Coaches Corner
2024 - 2025
Swim and Dive Coaches,
Below we will try to post information to help you and us to run smoother meets this season!
Meet Management - We encourage you to read over the Meet Management document on this website. It is written for officials but will show you what to expect from us as well as familiarizing you with different procedures like whistle commands.
Swimming Starts - We will use whistle commands at all meets to get swimmers ready and to call them to the blocks. Please see the NF Rule Book or the Meet Management document on this website. Please teach to your swimmers before the first meet!
Diving Entries - All diving sheets in dual, tri and quad meets are due to the referee no later than 15 minutes before the scheduled start of the meet. Each sheet must be signed by the diver and the coach and the information must be clearly and correctly written. Great diving sheets are under Diving on this website. We encourage you to use the computer-generated diving sheets! The link is also under the Diving section. Please remember that all divers are expected to be able to do all dives listed on the diving sheet.
Meet Entries - All student-athletes are limited to 4 entries in all meets. This includes exhibition swims or dives. No swimmer or diver may ever compete in more than 2 individual events. The only legal combinations are:
2 individual and 2 relays
1 individual and 3 relays
Or less of either
Arbiter Sports - If you are the coach of a team assigned to our officials' organization, please be sure to check your email for login information to Arbiter Sports for more important information.